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3 Tips For Political Conversations With Your Partner

Writer's picture: Jennifer WilmothJennifer Wilmoth

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

Navigating political conversations with your partner can be challenging, especially in today’s polarized climate. While these discussions can strengthen your relationship and encourage mutual understanding, they can also lead to tension if not handled carefully with intention and love. Whether you’re aligned on most issues or have differing views, these tips will help you to better understand your partner’s perspective and feel more connected in the dialogue.

Stay Curious- listen to your partner's perspective with curiosity to try to understand their point of view and even more important their emotions behind their perspective. Often fear is behind strong political views so if you can figure out what they are afraid of then their political perspective often makes more sense. You will likely even learn more about your partner in the process.

Stay Away from Criticism- Having different political views does not mean there is something wrong with your partner’s character or intelligence. They simply have different solutions to our country’s problems than you do. Research shows that criticism over time is more likely to lead to a separation or divorce with your partner than to change their political views. So if you disagree with your partner, try to do so without negative comments about who they are as a person.

Prioritize Your Relationship- you will likely disagree on some political views with your partner and that is ok, you can agree to disagree and prioritize your relationship connection over your political views. Set limits on when and for how long you discuss differences of political perspective so you can spend more time enjoying each other and the life you share together.

Political conversations with your partner don’t have to be a source of tension or division. By staying curious, avoiding criticism, and prioritizing your relationship, you can create a space for conversations that lead to understanding rather than conflict. While you may not always agree with your partner, these tips can help you navigate political differences with respect, empathy and strengthen your relationship in the process. Remember, your relationship is more important than winning any political debate; focusing on your shared values and similar emotions can help you navigate the different political solutions and views you hold.

Written by: Jennifer Wilmoth, LMFT

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